Sunday, December 05, 2004

eat the freely given

So there are many wellsprings of thought or feeling out of which vegetarianism might grow. I am an extremely approximate vegetarian myself (holding a tummy of "ma Foy"-inspired lentils, spinach, bacon, and egg as I write). A rough survey of the field of Vegetarian Commandments might include:
  • Thou shalt not cause pain and suffering to sentient beings <-- my rationale
  • Thou shalt eat healthily
  • Thou shalt avoid meats and produce made with nasty synthetic hormones, pesticides, and fertilizer
  • Thou shalt protect thy Earth; i.e. prevent destruction of Western grazelands or Amazon rainforest for cattle <-- my rationale in high school
  • Thou shalt indirectly feed the hungry, by minimizing thy impact on world resources (i.e. eat vegetables because of the extraordinary inefficiency of meat production, as measured by raw materials per calorie afforded)
  • Thou shalt hold wacky deep-green beliefs
These different inspirations yield different guidelines about what one should or should not eat, of course. For example, the question of fish: could go either way from my "sentient being" perspective, depending upon one's beliefs about fish consciousness; desirable from the health perspective; probably not okay under a "deep green" philosophy; and either great or horrible, depending on the specific fish, from an environmental perspective. I was thinking tonight about another possible wellspring, and what choices it would coerce:
  • Thou shalt eat only the foods freely given by a living being, without taking its life
This diet would consists of milk & dairy products, honey, nuts, berries, fruits, and anything else that is "freely given" by the host with the intent that it be eaten. For all I know there's a sect of people in California that do eat this way. Fruitarians come kinda close, but I think more in the surface behavior than in the motivation. I'm uncertain whether one could subsist on this diet. I suppose the human body puts up with all kinds of horrific treatment. But life without greens or grains or legumes could be tough. I'm certainly not proposing it, for myself or anyone else. But it's an interesting concept, and it does have a pleasing simplicity and comprehensibility.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Right on! And I bet if you dressed up as a baby mammal, all kinds of creatures would freely give you milky meals.

Bravo on all this good, and very entertaining, thinking. And don't be embarrassed if you drift into toast (or milk) posts--we like those too.

3:24 PM  

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